We were talking about the ubiquitousness
of ‘a priori judgments’ in the study
of History and how these become “absolute beliefs,” which serve to obfuscate
any real progress in understanding ancient civilizations, especially with
respect to the Black Land (i.e., Ancient Egypt), or any other ancient culture
or time period. The unfounded belief that what is “true” today, what is good,
right, practical and so on, possess an absolute validity everywhere and in
every age is the bane of modern Egyptology and Archeology (and every other
so-called scientific discipline practiced in our day). A priori judgements, or prejudices, are the basis of our acute

We believe we live in a “scientific
age,” that everything we think, feel, and do is “objective” and “absolute.” We
believe we stand at the zenith of an evolutionary process – the best of all
possible worlds – the end result of something that went before that is always
negative and inferior, meager and weak, if not simple and stupid. We stand
above everything, even God, since we live in a godless age, in a world devoid
of spirit. Yet the paradox is that despite this belief in “exceptionality,” especially
in the West, in the superiority of our “race,” our intellect, of our
technology, we are feeble creatures driven only by fear, and this fear has made
us the most superstitious people on Earth.
Never in human history have people
been so superstitious as they are today, especially in the “advanced” Western
cultures. The funny thing is that this superstition is a result of hubris, the
rampant arrogance that’s bred by “Exceptionalism” (which is nothing more than
egoism, a kind of “materialistic atheism” that places the personal ego, even
the State, above everything). The vast majority of modern people have fallen
prey to falsehood, and to pseudo-scientific concepts that don’t measure up to
half-truths. These false ideas are then projected and “transferred” to the past
(the juvenile narrative goes like this: “Since we’re the best, nothing that has
come before us can be any good!”).
This kind of non-thinking in our
culture is fomented by today’s “elites” (a laughable concept given that these self-appointed
elites are in fact barely herd-animals), and propagated by so-called
authorities (e.g., academicians, scholars, and scientists), who happen to be among
the most superstitious of the herd.
Everything we claim to know about
ancient civilizations are based solely on a
prior judgments informed by emotional reactions based on personal or
cultural prejudices of the most infantile kind (to the extent of being
politically and racially motivated). Our ego-centric culture is rife with
“absolute conclusions” that are no more than “tantrums,” and these creep into
what should be an objective look at our own reflection in the events of the
past. But of course, not our reflection as we are today!
As we deny and ignore the past, the
past still fascinates us. We intuit that there’s something “lasting” in it, and
that there’s something more to it that we can’t get at. We seek our own reflection
in the past (i.e., in the events and personalities of History), and because we
don’t see it (or don’t see it clearly), we undervalue and dismiss it (or worse,
as academics do, fabricate a past that never was).
Maybe we don’t like what we see in
that reflection coming at us from the past? Perhaps that is what leads us to
fear the light of the past even more, because if there’s anything that the past
reflects clearly is our gross inferiority as a culture and a species... Well,
that just shows that Darwinism has it ass-backwards.
Damnable Lies, Statistics, and The Life-Expectancy
In Part I, we discussed the confusion
that exists when dating mummies to determine age of death, state of health, or
any other determinant, such as “cause” of death (morbid curiosity in us always
leads us to want to know the latter). We learned that the conclusions reached
from the “aging” of mummies by modern standards was particularly flawed, and that
the Black People lived to a far riper age than anyone has heretofore imagined. We’ll
get back to Ancient Egyptian immortality, and we’ll scrutinize the phenomenon
much closer in future blogs.
For our vaunted “elites,” the tools
to obscure, confuse, and manipulate opinions and beliefs are readily at hand.
They even use one of the greatest gifts of the past – Mathematics – to hoodwink
us in the most pathetic way imaginable. We are really to blame for their
success, since our own failure to think things through is often responsible for
our acceptance of the superstitions we harbor. We prefer to remain asleep...
and as a consequence, often the most ridiculous beliefs are accepted as true,
with calamitous results.
Now, it’s time to turn the light of
day onto other, subtler, yet more effective means to perpetuate the fable that
the Black People barely reached, what today is the age of reproduction (approx.
30 years of age). In Europe, a woman has her first child at the age of 29... imagine
what that would mean if we were in the past! Yep, we’d have no future...
Even in academic and scientific
circles, the failure to think, and then ask questions before formulating
theories and beginning investigations is almost tragic. There are literally
thousands of examples of this in our time, but since my interest is to focus on
Ancient Egypt, the Black Land, we’ll cut to the chase.
The common belief that ancient people
died in their late 20s to early 30s is widespread, and typical of our modern,
superstitious way of approaching the ancient past. Any dimwit who has any
connection with reality can easily see that the concept that entire populations
expired at this early age (before maturation), is not based on anything real, or
on anything that exists in Nature – so much for the “scientific method,” which
is as dead as God is!
Needless to say our regard for Nature
is so abysmally low that the planet upon which we live never even registers as
anything real. In our modern, abstract perception, Nature (like the concept of
God before it) is a non-thing, a non-existent, non-entity – if it were to
exist, it is there to serve the parasites, as if it were the private and
exclusive property of a few “elites” of the Corporate State and nothing else.
They can burn the forests, kill all living things in air, water, and earth,
they can turn the rivers and seas of the planet into dead zones, and melt away
the polar icecaps with impunity (and all that for a few lousy bucks!).
The prevailing dictum is: facts be
damned, and Nature with it. Nature and facts are always in the way! This
“scorched earth” approach to Nature is transferred also backwards into the past
and applied across the board without distinction to time or place. Since we, as
modern, “enlightened” individuals do little else than destroy the environment
that sustains us for a few plastic trinkets, the ancients must have done the
same (sans the plastic, of course,
which is what makes them inferior right off the bat).
The depth of our decadence is such
that we are driven solely by stupid notions that have nothing to do with
reason, knowledge, or even actual facts. Limits to knowledge? They’re self-imposed
– we can hardly get out of a paper bag! Filled with our preconceived opinions
and prejudices, we flounder and then drown in an ocean of falsehood and
superstition, never quite knowing which way is up or down.
Modern science is not only oblivious
to what is obvious, it demonstrates a lack of understanding of biological and
evolutionary processes that have already been well-established less than a
century ago! It’d be great to blame this ignorance on some kind of virulent
“amnesia” that has overtaken the population of the planet, since even the
materialistic laws that our science has garnered to increase our knowledge are ignored
outright, or jettisoned altogether for political expediency. Consider how many
deniers there are today in the scientific community of the wholesale
destruction of our living environment (not to mention global warming).
The Best Science Money Can Buy...
How can we be the “best” human
evolution has to offer when we’re so awfully bad at everything? Yet these
beliefs persist... The belief that we’re “better off” than our ancestors relies
solely on one Lie (ahem! Statistic). It relies on what is commonly known as the
“average life expectancy.” To the “average person on the street,” this is the
sole superstition that makes people feel good about themselves despite the
facts and the course of events. (“I may not make it to 45, but those terrible,
slave-owning Egyptians got theirs at 30!”)
Today, worldwide, for women, the life-expectancy
is 73 years (for men it’s 68). In advanced countries like Japan,
life-expectancy for women is nearly 87 years. In an enclave – a “gated
community” for the rich and famous in France – it’s almost 90. The fact that
the highest life-expectancy in the world is in a principality like Monaco (it’s
not even a real country), tells us volumes about ourselves, doesn’t it?
But back to the real world (i.e., the
place where we live, but not where our elites live!). The bad news for women is
that the five-year gap is closing on them, rather sharply... Gee, I don’t know,
maybe it means it’s time to stop aping stupid men’s behavior?
Typically, this statistic is the
preferred propaganda tool of the failed state/government that has just made yet
another deep budgetary cut into health services to their population. Through the
statistics of life-expectancy they hoodwink their unsuspecting citizen-slaves into
believing that their “standard of living” is better than anyone else’s (this
goes by countries, by regions, even by centuries). But when one comes to
understand that the world’s highest life-expectancy today – only possible in a
fairyland like Monaco – barely reaches Ancient Egypt’s life-expectancy in the
15th Century B.C., then we come to realize how far behind the
eight-ball we really are!
The penchant for using “average life
expectancy” in a historical context, which technically is “life expectancy at
birth,” is even more distorting than it is when it’s used by failed governments
for its propaganda value. What “life expectancy at birth” means is the average
number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live in a given society at a
given time.
This “given time,” however, has a
very narrow window, something short of 150 years, and even in Europe, reliable
records of births and deaths were not kept even within that time period. That’s
about as much mileage as you’re going to get out of “life expectancy at birth” statistic
for historical periods beyond the last century or two...
Too bad... because the superstition
is that this is valid, an “absolute” measure, for 10,000 B.C. as well. This is
how “specialization” in the sciences blankets falsehoods over vast swaths of
time and place, without regard for either... Reality falls beyond the limits of
most specialization today. But we don’t need to go that far back in order to
understand why this is being done. The effect of the lie is more immediate and
concerns us today – not our ancestors or actual historical events they lived
through (there’s very little harm our lies can do them now!).
All the fables of “history” are
concocted for our benefit – those living in the present. Why? So that we don’t
awaken and see what’s coming... That’s the primary reason. The other important
reason is that this is one of the cornerstones of the authorities’ TINA
argument (“There Is No Alternative” to the present regime). Other reasons
exist, naturally, such as that our elites themselves share our ignorance and
superstitions, also that they are just as lazy as we are, and they’re not going
to give up a single unearned privilege they enjoy.
Miracles Are In Short Supply
Keeping in mind that we’re barely
approaching what was the standard life-expectancy 3,000 years ago... What
accounts for our “rise” in life-expectancy since the last century or two?
Many factors are involved, of course,
but if you were to ask an “authority” about it, they would soon point to our
vaunted antibiotic drugs and vaccines (the “miracles” of technological
medicine). These they will quickly claim have extended our life-expectancy
immeasurably, at least, since the ravages of the Industrial Revolution made 30
year-old men the most senior of citizens.

But it’s easy to see how specious
this argument really is. Granted, the last generation of the 19th
and early 20th Centuries were the great beneficiaries of the
miracles of modern science, since their most common diseases no longer killed
them before they reached puberty (actually, public health and hygiene had more
to do with it than miracle drugs). Over time, during the tumultuous middle of
the 20th Century, meager improvements in the squalor of urban life
did improve and extend the life of those in Europe whose ancestors previously
died at 30 from working 18 hour days, seven days a week, in sweatshops and
factories (just like 8-year old Indonesian and Pakistani girls and boys do
today, to name only two of dozens of countries where slavery is thriving
My grandparents, even my parents,
benefited from the application of hygiene to everyday life. But these
privileges, the basic necessities, were only extended down the ladder of
society after revolutions and wars (one of which, WW II, destroyed 85% of the
world’s economy). But from here on in, “miracle drugs” and vaccines will only
have a small kicker in this generation, and will, naturally, like all “miracles,”
fade away. Paradoxically, going forward, these “miracles” will kill off the
next generation, and also those that are growing up as children now...
Therefore, the next two generations –
those exposed to vaccines and antibiotics from birth – will not reach the
heights of longevity enjoyed today. Vaccines and antibiotics are the “dirty
laundry” of purveyors of medical/technological “miracles” vis-Ã -vis
life-expectancy and quality of life.... (Actually, if you think about it, there’s
no paradox involved at all. The sucker’s paradox is created through the lie,
and its implied benefits, which never existed to begin with).
The “glorious miracle” of short-term
returns (the Holy Grail of the financial sector) has seeped into our belief
system at every level of our society today, especially in the sciences. And, as
viruses and bacteria become more virulent and resistant to antibiotics, while
at the same time this generation’s immune system is further compromised by the
irresponsible use of vaccines and the general degradation of the living
environment, the prospects are not good that we’ll ever match Ancient Egypt’s
life-expectancy going forward (or even backwards).
Our superstitions concerning the
“gods” of medicine and technology have led us directly into the eye of yet
another “perfect storm,” making our children, and grandchildren, and any future
generations that succumb to the superstition, expressly vulnerable to common
diseases. Naturally, because their handlers have told them so, the
superstitious believe that these diseases have “disappeared.” Well, what can I
say? Isn’t wishful thinking the most common pattern of thought exercised by a
superstitious mind? If not delusion and wishful thinking, what else can protect
you from the wrath of the gods?
Add to this “perfect storm” the fact
that most people living today – so separated from the Nature they abhor – live
with a compromised immune system, one doesn’t have to have an oracle to see the
result. Children born today have inherited this deficiency and are especially
vulnerable to this compendium of circumstances. The “old” common diseases, like
tuberculosis, polio, cholera, measles, etc., haven’t and won’t disappear. The
root or cause of disease is not “biological” to begin with... but opportunity
is always on the side of some virus or bacteria, especially if you zip out of
your protective bubble, or are forced out of it due to economic circumstances...
Welcome to the new normal...
The failure of our immune system to
deal with the real – with Nature itself – is particularly problematic. Weak
immunity means that we now have a substantial number of modern humans who can
no longer metabolize gluten. In other words, humans can no longer digest wheat
– the seminal grain of Agriculture and which was the major factor in creating Civilization
in the first place. Something to ponder... But who’s awake out there??
Superstitions will never protect
us... We live in a time when life’s not just cheap, but exceedingly short, and
where deadly violence abounds not just in far-flung wars and in the streets of
our towns, but in the very products we consume. Are we really that superior to those
who lived even a thousand years ago? Believing it so might just be the placebo
we need... Yet this age dreams of extending life to the great lengths of the
Ancient Egyptians... one-hundred and twenty, one-hundred and forty years...
Seems like a vain dream...
The Infant Mortality Myth
As useless as all of these “average
life-expectancy” numbers are to determine the health of a population and the
longevity of adults in our day, they are even more so when used to frame our
past. Nonetheless, the “authorities” insist on selling us the same statistics over
and over again (it’s part of the Goebbels Principle they adhere to about the
“bigger the lie...”). The “myth” consists in making us believe that infant
mortality is a “natural” occurrence, especially endemic in backward cultures
and peoples (and they never tire to give us the examples of Africa and the
Indian subcontinent today). Therefore, the convoluted logic (more like illogic)
assumes that infant mortality was more prevalent in the past.

What they fail to realize, or prefer
to ignore, is that high infant mortality is a modern phenomenon – an artificial
event and not one “caused” by Nature. The death of infants was rare in ancient
times, and this tragedy was not as rampant even in the Middle Ages as has been
popularized. We modern herd-animals are not good at dealing with tragedy. Since
we deny it, it’s difficult to face it. Especially today, when we have only pity
to spare those less advantaged than we (the rest of us couldn’t give a flying
banana about children starving!).
This tragedy of infant deaths is
relatively new in human history – probably not before the high Middle Ages and
the Renaissance (i.e., with the “Black Death,” in the high Middle Ages, 1346-1353)
– when cities in Europe began to grow and bad hygiene was the result. Naturally,
the Black Death resulted in a “collapse” of Western Civilization that is not
even considered by historians... children ended up bearing the brunt of this disintegration
(just as children bear the largest number of deaths today). We can’t handle
tragedy of any kind – not even the Greek kind!
High infant mortality rates (IMR);
i.e., over 30% to 50%, are the direct result of the rapid period of industrialization
which took place commencing in the mid-18th Century and the
consequent breakup of civil society (i.e., the disappearance of the agricultural
way of life). Of course, we only have data (statistics) for the period after
the inception of the Industrial Revolution... but we know that this “revolution”
caused great harm to the health and standard of living of populations in the U.K.,
Europe, and eventually the United States.
Knowing that Ancient Egypt was an
agrarian civilization, they keep telling us the infant mortality rate was at
least 30%, when no agricultural society could possibly survive such a high
death rate. They have no evidence for this extreme IMR, nevertheless, this is
the foundational myth, the a priori judgment
that informs the “experts” studying History, and especially ancient history.
This is their point of departure... From there they sail off into abstractions
and preconceived ideas, and ever deeper into murkier waters, and then when they
approach the shoals it’s no surprise that the siren song of “funding” leads
them to run aground against the sandbanks.
It’s not simply that the statistic of
life-expectancy is completely disconnected with reality in today’s world, it’s
doubly wrongheaded when it’s applied to anything older than a century or so. But
“experts,” “authorities,” “academicians,” etc. are not interested in bringing
light into our past – it scares the bejesus out of them! They’re only interest
is maintaining their tenure, and their jobs (I don’t blame them!), therefore
they’re more than happy to regurgitate the dogma (and sing along like choir
boys at mass).
Well, call me a curious fool... I’d
like to know: What biological organism fails to reproduce at a 30% rate? Zoo
Pandas? Maybe that’s why these poor creatures will be extinct next week?
Seriously folks, where in Nature can
a species survive with a less than 70% batting average? Biologists are,
naturally, the experts who least understand biological processes, nevertheless,
even they’ll have a hard time pointing to anything living that has such an
abysmally bad rate of reproduction. Yet, the Ancient Egyptians – the most
successful Civilization ever – was such an anomaly!
Where Extinction Begins...
No one informed the “experts” that
extinction begins at the point where reproduction is less than 100%. Since
ignorance and confusion is what reigns in academic circles today (this must be
the result of the obfuscation that’s intended, coupled with low educational
standards), it’s futile to talk about “objective facts,” “laws of physics,” or
anything that departs from the text of the fairy tale. To discuss anything
related to what is real or provable leads nowhere because dogma is a set of
mummified beliefs. Confusion and disinformation can’t be rebutted – that’s
another huge advantage it has.
It’s easy to see, when one takes but
a brief second to think, that all of these “infant mortality rate” nonsense is
another symptom of bad science. Bad science is the only science we have today!
A civilization that lasted, at least
15,000 years (the age of the oldest art found), with an infant mortality rate
of 30% or more is just stupid and lazy thinking... what our “elite
academicians” excel at! They’ll even go on to add that when things got started,
back before the “Naqada” civilizations, the mortality rate must have been 60%
or more. In other words, Egyptian Civilization was at the border of the abyss
of extinction for its entire existence (which spans far more than a mere 15,000
Therefore, we must conclude that if
the greatest, most successful civilization of all time was such a pathetic
disaster, we today, with our dysfunctional states and social disorder, must be
gods in comparison! Only decadent, non-thinking herd-animals can spew out such
pap. We are meant to believe that everyone else living in the Bronze Age —
outside of the Black People – must also have been at the border of the abyss of
extinction as well.
How easily superstitious notions and
beliefs get us into trouble when we try to describe the real world through them...
Only a dead culture, a mummified civilization, can come up with such stillborn
“concepts” as these. Is it because we know, at least subconsciously, that we’re
the ones at the border of the abyss? Probably...
Civilizations Commit Suicide...
The famous British historian, Arnold
J. Toynbee was the first to point out that “Civilizations die by suicide, and
not by murder.” An astute observation given that our civilization committed
suicide during the Industrial Revolution and its aftermath, by submitting its
population to 50% infant mortality rates for extended periods of time (nearly
two hundred years’ worth of it!). Violence of a nature and intensity unheard of
in human history... Now we visit this violence on what’s euphemistically called
the “Third World.”
What “civilization” survives even a
30% infant mortality rate? None do really – and our has-been civilization is
proof of that! The great masses of Europe and America survived the Industrial
Revolution (approx. 1750-1850), with sustained 50% infant mortality rates, and
then struggled through the vicious industrialization that ensued into the first
third of the 20th Century and beyond (when the actual IMR was over
167 deaths per 1,000 live births – put that in your pipe and smoke it!), before
things improved, albeit marginally. Naturally, this economic violence, followed
by civil and world wars, revolutions, and famines, destroyed our civilization.
The entire 20th Century was a “mass suicide” event, and it’s still
going on full-blast into the 21st.
These events of the 20th
Century have just occurred, within the lifespan of many people living today,
and yet no one seems to have noticed them. No one has the slightest inkling
that they live inside a rotting corpse, and what they see as bleached bones once
was a great civilization with roots reaching back to the Classic Age of the
Greeks! So it goes...
Of course, peoples and cultures
outside our own have been subjugated and forced into extinction with 50% or
higher infant mortality rates during that same period. Africans have survived
500 years of such treatment, which explains why they have lost their great
civilizations. But they’re not the only ones... the list is too long to include
here, since it would include every peoples and civilization that existed since
the Flood...
The human, cultural, and economic
toll of the centuries since the Industrial Revolution – the predecessor to our
current decadent society – can never be calculated with any exactitude. Nevertheless,
there it is... And, isn’t this fact the one historians want to hide most? They
certainly don’t advertise the fact that 50% infant mortality rates was what the
Industrial Revolution wrought in the U.K., the U.S., and in their slave
colonies. I wonder why?
According to our “experts,” Kemet,
the Black Land, survived through more than 15,000 years with half its people
dying before they came of age (unable to reproduce or sustain the following
generation), and yet, with their civilization intact. At that rate, it’s hard
to conceive how the Black People ever managed to put one stone block on top of
another with such a shortage of human beings at their disposal – no wonder they
needed armies of slaves! But then again, how did they procure these armies of
slaves through conquest when they were so few and constantly at the edge of
biological and civilizational collapse?
The “experts” always want it BOTH
ways – wrong and wronger! Yet, we’re told these two incompatible, mutually
exclusive statements in one breath, and we are to believe them, since they are
the anointed ones. And, as superstitious herd-animals, we accept it as such, as
if it were the gospel truth...
Clearly, the Black People must have
been far superior as gene bearers and as civilization keepers than we are! Yet
somehow, I don’t think this is what they meant to prove with their silly
statistics and their childish prejudices...
That’s quality control for you... Only
a civilization bent on self-extermination – on convincing itself it’s not on
the verge of extinction – can possibly come up with such rubbish. Yet, university
textbooks are filled with this kind of patent drivel (which is then echoed by
professors in classrooms around the world!). With these kinds of ludicrous
concepts and baseless prejudices they pull the wool over our eyes (and the
“academicians” that parrot this tripe, without having given it a single
thought, are themselves convinced of the lie as well).
It’s A Jungle Out There Myth...
The mercilessly absurd “logic” the
academicians use to ram the life-expectancy and infant death rate down our
throats, really tickles my funny bone. They’re so eager to prove this nonsense
that they always get their nipples caught in the wringer while trying. The myth
goes something like this: The Black People (all people from early antiquity are
included in the same pot), never survived their first year, much less puberty
(approx. 14 years of age) due to the extreme risk of infectious diseases, injuries,
and accidents.
Take careful note of these “three
killers” of ancient humans they harp on... Of course, none of the above affect
us mighty gods of modernity! You see, these skirt-wearing savages were weak and
stupid and they didn’t have Big Pharma protecting them from the big bad wolf,
or even the mean crocodile...
Whenever I get a chance to catch my
breath after splitting my gut laughing, I then have to “translate” things back
into some kind of reality, because the specialists are always up on Cloud 9 in
their thoughtless abstractions. What the experts mean is that ancient people
were dumb, careless, and accident prone. In other words, more or less like us –
and we’re like a 3-year-old with a cranked-up chainsaw ready to mow the lawn.
The “infectious diseases” presumably
came from drinking bad water, or eating their own excrements (this is the
3-year-old as a primitive savage theory). Bad water from the Nile, I would have
to guess, although they had running water and interior plumbing (which the
majority of people in our time lack!). This they gather because if a tourist
were to drink water from the Nile today, he or she would get instant dysentery
(and worse!).
But what makes Nile water bad for us
today, didn’t kill those who drank the totally different water that ran through
there 15,000 or even 3,000 years ago (pure water to them!). These experts
always fail to take the real world or any facts into account. They also fail to
tell you that people back then had something we moderns lack – a working immune
To our modern academicians Ancient
Egypt is a kind of modern Chad, or worse... a Sudan... or some other war-torn
area of the Imperium, where total Chaos has been let loose on the poor and
unsuspecting. It’s a carryover from the condescending attitude of the Victorian
Age, when approaching the “dark savages” of the Empire. Talk about
superstitious! Well, to some extent they’re right, as far as the present is
concerned, Egypt is still a vassal state of the Empire...
The Three Stooges In Loincloths (What a Sight!)
The “risk of injury” is the funniest
of the lame excuses they come up with. The Black People were an awkward,
ungainly bunch from what their statistics tell us – mortality rates in the
thousands from their clumsiness and ineptitude. They got up in the morning, and
unable to cope with their combined maladroitness and the countless health
hazards inherent in their surroundings, they up and died like flies!
Presumably, every city of the
ancients was an accident waiting to happen. In other words, just like every modern
city of today! I can see the hapless Egyptians dropping chisels on their
coworker’s heads, falling through trap doors into secret chambers and breaking
both legs, falling off of pyramids and the like. As if the Ancient Egyptians
were a bunch of clumsy knuckleheads – a civilization composed exclusively of Curlys,
Larrys, and Moes.
The “accidents” are even more
laughable as a risk of death for people of ancient times. What killed them? Being
taxed and then neglected by their government? Falling airplanes, crashing cars,
terrorist bombs going off?
Imagine the multitude of perils of
living in Ancient Egypt, where the fastest moving object was slower than the
walking pace of an adult, or the lazy current of the Nile. This is a place
where there were no camels or horses (horses before camels, and horses came
with chariots at the end of the Bronze Age). People even failed to drown!
That’s why they carried their “sa,”
their reed bedding rolls, around their necks as a floatation device whenever
they sailed on the Great River.
But of course, an expert wouldn’t
know that... that’s part of real life and experts only deal in abstractions, in
little numbers in tidy rows and columns... as if dead data will ever reveal
anything connected with life or reality.
Hey, the Ancient Egyptians didn’t
have terrorists blowing things up, but there was an even worse danger... Cobras
bit the unsuspecting, crocodiles devoured the unwary, hippos trampled the
It’s only natural for modern folks
who are afraid to walk the streets in broad daylight, where breathing the air
and drinking the water are deadly gambles, to “transfer” such fears to the past
and to Ancient Egypt. Insurance companies thrive fomenting such fears. Living
in an age where social and economic chaos, nervous disorders, and the
electronic distractions of modern life will drive you nuts, it’s easy to see
why one has to believe that those wretched people of ancient times had it much
These fears we transpose onto the
past are even more ridiculous as a “risk of death” than the falling meteor
theory. Again, this presupposes that the Black People were something akin to
American or British tourists in their own land; i.e., people ignorant of how
“things work” and acting out in conspicuously stupid fashion. But I wouldn’t
make that assumption. I don’t think the Black People went out in the midday sun
How risky was it? What were the odds do
you imagine, back 3,000 years ago, of being “caught unawares” by a crocodile –
something bigger than a 1962 Cadillac? How about being bitten by a cobra? Did
anyone take out crocodile or cobra “insurance” perhaps? Of course, all the
Black People had it, since they worshipped both cobras and crocodiles (cheaper
than insurance premiums and it actually pays off). As if the Black People
sleepwalked through the living environment like we do today... oblivious to
delight or peril.
Even Egyptologists, who should know
better, foster these fables of cobras killing thousands of children and
crocodiles gobbling them up like sushi. Crocodiles weren’t a danger to
navigation on the Great River, they were inside the very temples! And no one
got eaten because of it (well not until Greek and Roman tourists showed up!
Gotta love those tourists!).
These are the kinds of silly tropes
Victorians came up with when they first visited the “untamed” Nile, as guess
what? Why tourists, of course! For them it was “Tarzan” all over again. We
should have gotten past that infantile stage by now... or so one would think.
The Hungry Games...
Finally, we arrive at the most
entrenched of all the fairy tales about Ancient Egypt, and the past in general.
The experts and specialists love this story above all the rest because it’s
their “ace in the hole,” and they believe it bears no contradiction, much less
argument. Why? Because it can be summed up in a single word – “malnutrition.”
Who can doubt it? Doesn’t
malnutrition kill tens of millions a year today? We have rampant malnutrition
in London and New York, therefore, the Ancient Egyptians must have been dying
of starvation in troves too! We have so many people starving now – according to
the UN there are 7,665,000 dying of starvation every year. This is a low-ball
figure, another statistic. The majority are children under three. This ties in
nicely with this myth about infant mortality, since it’s really poverty and artificial
scarcity which kills infants and children (and, there’s nothing “natural” about
poverty or Corporate-imposed scarcity).

Today’s experts, and many lay people
too, simply can’t conceive that the Black People didn’t starve. Why? It’s what
comes with Racism and the dogmatic belief that we are somehow superior to all
peoples at all times (just as white people are “obviously” superior to all
other “colors” out there!). Don’t we have a superior economic system? Don’t we
have superior technology? Conspicuous consumption? More guns, more money, more
lawyers? We’re the greatest! Aren’t we just peachy-keen?
It’s the same dimwitted narrative...
Racism stops people form even imagining that ancient people knew how to manage
large systems far better than we do today. Isn’t it obvious that they were far
better managers than we are? Try building a pyramid someday... I’d like to see how
far that would go today! The a priori judgments
also stops them from even considering that these civilizations were more wisely
arranged, and that they were, on the whole, far more noble, just, and
egalitarian than we are. God forbid! That could never be!
Malnutrition... Pause and think about
it for a second, even two... A completely artificial event, since there’s
nothing in Nature which prevents people from producing food and eating well. Don’t
think about it for more than three seconds, however, because if you do, the
conclusion is obvious – the only thing that keeps people in starvation on this
planet is a well-armed and politically empowered criminal class...
We perpetrate a mass killing bigger
than the Holocaust every year! It took the entire Nazi regime, plus the length
and breadth of World War II, to perpetrate the Holocaust, and yet, they came up
short to what we accomplish by nearly two million deaths, each and every year!
And this is ongoing, every single year in ever growing numbers – more than at
any time in the whole of human history.
We’re “Superior” Alright – Superior Killers!
Well, it just doesn’t look good on
the C.V. to admit to the facts, to such glaring failings... To admit to the
obvious would lower our “standing” as a so-called civilization (not to mention
as an economic system) to that of a pure state of savagery – something completely
outside of Nature – even beneath those heathen Egyptians!
Why are so few famines recorded in ancient
times? Because they mostly failed to occur. When they did it was with such
rarity that they were considered “chaos,” and when they did occur, they tended
to be “civilization-ending” events. No, people in ancient times didn’t starve –
starvation is a modern economic tool, a form of warfare... Now, we’ve added
financial debt (i.e., bad bank loans) to the arsenal too!
By simply exercising our gray cells,
we’ve been able to eliminated all the made-up “risks” that increase child
mortality rates and average life expectancy, even in the present. Now, we can
see that these statistics are nothing more than a kind of “feel good”
propaganda (well, what propaganda isn’t self-aggrandizing?).
The major determinant of life
expectancy at birth is the child mortality rate, the higher that rate is, the
lower the life expectancy (it’s all averages you know!). As a result, by giving
the Ancient Egyptians our numbers during our industrialized age, we give them
an extremely low life-expectancy.
Again, it’s worth pointing out that
this is the typical comparison between apples and oranges so prevalent in
academic and scientific circles. What historians, experts, and statisticians
are comparing is not the death rates of ancient times – something they can’t
know and have absolutely no evidence for – but the child mortality rate of the
Industrial Revolution, which were high to an extreme. And, it’s this
cherry-picking of irrelevant data that skews the life expectancy numbers
dramatically downward for ancient times. They have no moral qualms about it
either, since the racial and cultural prejudice is always there – it had to be
worse than the worst of what we do!
Even in the miniscule event that
there is no malice aforethought, the prejudice drives the conclusion. I don’t
want to go into the ugly political reasons why this is the case, since then I’d
have to run to the bathroom and wash my hands... But kids, it’s the old TINA
argument. The “no-alternative” narrative comes dovetailing out of this kind of
propaganda. Basically, the sad tale our sorry elites peddled goes like this:
“Throughout History, since the most ancient times, people lived in the most
abject poverty, they were slaves and they starved in droves, so get used to it,
because we plan to keep this shit up for a while.”
Unfortunately for that narrative, the
Black People didn’t have the infant mortality rate of the Industrial
Revolution, because they weren’t a subservient, colonized people of modern times.
Because when people aren’t under the boot of the predators cum parasites, women
are free to choose when they give birth, and then they do so at a more
leisurely rate.
Modern slave colonies have high birth
and death rates because babies don’t survive their first few months of life.
But in the Two Lands the infancy mortality rate was far lower than the current
infant mortality rate in the U.S. (now over 6.1 deaths per 1,000 live births –
28th or 29th among “advanced” countries), and was
probably lower than in Europe ten years ago. Infant mortality rates are now
creeping back up, in large part due to the worldwide artificial crisis created
by the larger, global finance-based economies – something that didn’t exist 50
years ago, much less in ancient times.
The Mantra – Past is bad; Present is
good – is what lulls us into believing that we should be happy for what we
haven’t got because it was worse before... After sufficient repetition it has
been crystalized and fixed as dogma. Nothing changes, they keep telling us,
just go back to sleep, you’ll get used to it... or you’ll die; either way, it
works out for them!