During the
centuries in which it thrived modern science was a mighty colossus, a virtual
leviathan astride the world of thought, and even of Philosophy, usurping this
latter Art, and proclaiming itself its “father” and supreme arbiter. Talk about
an Oedipal complex! Lest we forget, Science killed God himself – and then
blinded the rest of us! – to atone for its crime.
Its subsequent attempts
to become the next deity, to be the sole and unequivocal “authority” about
everything – to dogmatize the Maya of the material world – only wreaked havoc
in the world, making the last two centuries the bloodiest in all of human
History (and the wanton destruction isn’t slowing down in this millennium
With the term “Science”
or “modern science,” I mean its trunk and all its branches, and disciplines (or
lack thereof), including its root (i.e., Mathematics). The field of Mathematics
is by far the more robust part of its cadaver, and it’s the most “alive” by
virtue of its Art being the result of “pure thought,” and requiring great gobs
of “imaginative thinking” in order to be understood and used as a tool.
What is to be
mourned about the end of modern science? Almost nothing. Its only saving grace
was the “scientific method” – its only worthy discipline or legacy. The
scientific method (Observe, Question, Experiment, Analyze, Repeat) was the
backbone of our scientific knowledge. One could say, without being too romantic,
that in it lay the wisdom, beauty, and eventually the “truth” of questioning
Now questioning is
done with, and not just in the temporal world of politics, economics, and the
rest of the pseudo-sciences! I’m only saddened, or is it being nostalgic, that
along with its “authority” over the masses, the demise of modern science has
also dealt a deathblow to a very human activity – thinking! The rational and
the logical, like thinking itself, went down the drain with the bath water...
I’m not shedding
any tears, mind you. Although with every passing, even that of a lowly, material
god, something is lost. What’s lost is faith, the handmaiden of dogma. And, I
say good riddance to them both!
Death By Dogma
When I say
“science is dead,” what do I really mean? What has actually “died”? After all,
like Religion itself, modern science was nothing but an abstraction – a way of
thinking about the world (an extremely materialistic way at that). Science was
nothing more than yet another Weltanschauung, albeit one based on Rationality, the
only scion of the Enlightenment.
But what you see
in the world is always what you want
to see in it... Everything else is nonexistent as far as that goes. And dogma
is the tool that helps you “crystalize” that belief, that point-of-view, as a
leitmotif for all your subsequent thoughts and beliefs about the world you live
Dogma wants
everything frozen, narrowed down and tidied up in little rows and columns... it
wants everything living to be dead. It wants a snapshot of life only, the pin
through the insect for its specimen collection, a digital “on or off” signal,
not a spark of imagination or a trace of feeling to be kindled from it all.
Dogma requires that everything remain exactly as it is forever, preserved for
posterity, if you will, in an immutable state – in other words, it wants
everything good and dead, and under a display window.
It’s our animal
nature, our lowest desire(s). Dogma is what gives the powers-that-be “authority.”
What is Authority? In ancient times the power of authority was unquestioned and
unreasoned, since Authority came directly from God or the gods (i.e., divine
authority). Later, that is, closer to our own historical times, this Divine
Authority was usurped by men, mostly kings, who claimed they were the “sons of
God,” or other such malarkey and that their right to rule came from God (the
gods were already gone by then, so no one could ask them if this was in fact
their will or not).
Today, and since
the Renaissance, authority is the façade, the means through which the “ruling
class” exercises their “will to rule” (or what’s left of it); i.e., their
dogmas, which are their laws, their profits, their class/race/gender
privileges, etc. Through dogma, all of these ephemeral abstractions receive a
patina of “divine order” – the very same bright sheen the
physical/materialistic sciences acquired after the death of God. If you’re
going to compare yourself, compare yourself to the best...
Dogma generally
has to do with the preservation of a “system of values.” Dogma is the
“mummification” of a set of rules to live by – ecclesiastic laws were the first
to be codified; i.e., mummified (think of the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and
how it established Christian dogma throughout the Roman Empire, etc.). That’s
still going on, albeit, with less force behind it.
Of course, you
can’t have anything mummified before it’s dead, now can you? Belief in Christ
by the Romans in the 4th Century was pretty thin indeed. One could
have well assumed it was long “dead” (actually, thanks to the Gnostics, and the
many other cults which sprung up around the Christ-event, it was quite alive,
especially in Rome, since the ancient Romans were nothing if not tolerant of
other religions). “Heresies,” such as they were, were only in the eyes of the
Roman Church, the arch-reactionaries of their time. The early Church being the
last remains of the Roman Empire, and was made up of those
who wished to maintain power through the authority of what was left of the fallen
In reality, the
greatest heresy yet perpetrated on humanity is that which the Roman Church
achieved through the suppression of freedom of religion and through the
massacre of millions in Europe from the 4th to the 14th Century
(e.g., the Cathars of Southern Europe, or the Jews and Moors of Spain, who
suffered the last of the many holocausts the Church perpetrated after the
Council of Nicaea). Few people know that before and especially after the
Crusades in the Middle East against Islam, the Church had its bloodier Crusades
in Europe, where the most pernicious heresies thrived (i.e., wherever in Europe
free thinking and religious freedom brought peace and prosperity). Thus the
mummified values of Ancient Rome (e.g., its laws, its castes, its blood, its
institutions, and its form of government, etc.) are still with us, thanks to
the Roman Church.
Dogma, is not just
an official system of principles or tenets concerning faith, morals, behavior, beliefs,
etc., as in the Church. Dogmas can also encompass the rules and regulations of
any institution, and as we can see, these give the Authority de jour something sacrosanct – a “bigger
than you” feeling to it (well, they also have the lawyers, guns, and money to
press the issue when necessary).
So what has also
died with the death of materialistic science? Why “Authority” itself – the very
divine order of the Cosmos. After all, what system of values can be maintained
without a divine order?
She Blinded Me
With Science...
Speaking of
“scientific endeavor,” I thought it’d be apropos to announce modern science’s
death on the heels of this month’s reports in the Corporate Press about some
scientific activity being carried out somewhere... I was awe struck. Someone’s
actually doing science somewhere on this planet? I was made giddy by the news, my
knees rattling with the excitement of it (I’d been waiting such a long time for
any signs of life... well... what can I say?).
There were two of
these reports, which raised my misplaced hopes, because of their unusual nature.
It’s not every day that “the cure for cancer” is announced without the least
bit of hoopla or euphoria (self-aggrandizement yes, jubilation no). Outside of
the words “dramatic remission rates” in the headline, one would think nothing
really special happened...
“Twenty-seven out of
29 patients with an advanced blood cancer who received an experimental, “living”
immunotherapy as part of a clinical trial experienced sustained remissions,
according to preliminary results of the ongoing study at Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center.” Feb 16, 2016
If medical
research “scientists” had perfected a “cure” for leukemia (blood cancer, one of
the gnarliest of all) with “sustained” remission rates, I asked myself why this
wasn’t front page news. Maybe because the press release came from marketing
folks in the Bio-tech industry? Or perhaps because the sample pool was less
than 30 cases? A bit shy of credible evidence, wouldn’t you say? And maybe
because the 27 who have survived, did so for the testing period only? Who
knows? Seriously folks, my Biology professor would have flunked me if I’d
presented proof for my hypothesis with a sampling of only thirty... If this is
today’s “scientific method” in action, I’m Napoleon Bonaparte!
Science’s motto
today is self-fulfilling prophecy first; proof and good evidence, be damned.
And, this is the state-of-the-art in modern cancer research, mind you. Who
cares, right? I’m so relieved we can go on with our usual debauchery unabated,
without the fear of having to suffer for it. I know that no matter what I do, modern
science will save me on my death bed.
The miracle of
engineered T-cells has no limit we are told. The seductive half-truths and
outright lies from the “geniuses” in Bio-tech and Big Farma knows no bounds. We
can deal with any cancer that comes along through the manipulation and
modelling of T-cells. Genetically engineered immunology is the new rave. What cancer
can stand up to our clever manipulation of “living” matter? Leukemia? Hepatocellular
carcinoma? You name it, we can cure it!
Even being
generous by calling this claptrap “science” (it’s not – it’s merely another
application of “science” done generations ago) what is one to conclude? Well, at
least, let’s admit to being more than lax about our “scientific standards”
these days... and let’s allow for the benefit of the doubt concerning these
claims for the “cure for cancer.”
So what does this
mean in a practical sense? Because they never say WHEN these “cures” will be
available to the public, and for WHOM they’re being designed. A cocktail of
“engineered” immunotherapy drugs (which may or may not include “living”
T-cells) can cost up to USD $14,000 per dose... Sticker shock? Let us say one
is a septuagenarian and wishes to live another decade, what would one’s net
worth have to be to continue with the therapy for that length of time? Be sure
to check with your fund manager and upgrade your pension portfolio before
submitting your name...
I guess that
answers the question emphatically, doesn’t it? Isn’t that modern, Corporate Medicine
working for you? Yeah right, and at the price of one shot of that potion,
you’ll die of a heart-attack! (Like the common cold, they haven’t found a cure
for that one yet.)
reports aside, this brave new world of forever dodging Death through chemical
and radiation therapy, T-cell cocktails, and immunotherapy drugs of all sorts
(except for the ones that get you high... natch!), doesn’t pass the nose test.
This kind of “triumphalism” is just the kind of foul-smelling odor you’d expect
to be oozing out of a rotten corpse.
Where No Man Has
Gone Before...
The other curious
announcement from the “scientific community” was a little closer to “real science”
(i.e., less Corporate Marketing), although it’s still kind of “far out” there.
It has to do with the announced “proof” of gravitational waves in space from
LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) at MIT.
“Scientists made the 'the scientific breakthrough
of the century' with the detection of gravitational waves. When the waves were
detected, they knew they had been caused by two black holes 30 times the size
of the sun colliding. The discovery was the first time anyone had detected the
warping of space-time caused by a collision of two massive black holes. These
gravitational waves, created 1.3 billion light-years from Earth, help confirm
our universe was created by the Big Bang, and will give an unprecedented
glimpse into its beginning.” 17 February, 2016
It’s been a busy
February in the scientific world! Isn’t the announcement of this “historic”
proof of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity not science at its best? It
certainly is! One good apple doesn’t spoil the bunch (it’s the other way
around!). And, it is indeed science that’s being practiced when proofs for
basic theories are put forth. This particular “proof” in support of Einstein’s
original Theory of General Relativity, first expounded in 1915, while millions
of Europeans were killing each other for no good reason... is laudable.
What are we to
make of these gravitational waves? They rule, that’s what! How will our values
reflect this new found “light” at the end of the telescope? O.K., the LIGO
gadget is an “observatory” and not a telescope... yet what’s “new” about it?
Nothing – it’s another application. The “thinking,” the “imagination,” and the
“inspiration” came from one school dropout 111 years ago!! It took Einstein ten
years to accommodate “accelerating objects” to his Theory of General Relativity
– from 1905 to 1915. But essentially, it was one spark of creative thinking
that gave birth to his theory (i.e., he imagined the Cosmos in his mind’s eye
and then formulated the theory).
I mean, when has
modern science delivered, or coughed up, its last miracle? Was its last hurrah
Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity? Was its swan song Quantum mechanics?
Proving that there are gravitational waves out in space-time is certainly not
going to alleviate world hunger, now is it? Quantum physics won’t either! So
what does Science leave us as an inheritance? A 50-year-old warning that we’re
warming up the planet? We only need to see the rate of species extinction in
the plant and animal kingdoms to have any doubts in that regard...
What has Science done
since Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity? Precious little, I’m afraid...
The “golden age” of science vis-à-vis Relativity was in the 1960s and 1970s,
but that was due to a series of “observational” discoveries that led us to
understand black holes and quasars better (more application through the slight
improvements in technology) so that the Big Bang Theory came into sharper
detail. Yet there was nothing new in this short-lived period of glorious
science. Proving an existing theory is once merely “method,” and not the
“imaginative thinking” that Einstein used to develop something new. What real
science requires in order to produce a new hypothesis about the Cosmos, or any
other physical aspect of Maya, and then to prove the theory developed through
the scientific method, is precisely this initial imaginative thinking (i.e.,
the living spark which Einstein kindled in order to come up with his Theory of Relativity!).
To be fair, Bohr
and Planck, and a couple of others, have taken “imaginative thinking” in the
other direction – into the microcosmic – into quantum physics. Nevertheless,
Physics has not taken a step forward since Einstein, Bohr, Planck (et al).
That’s more than a hundred years ago! And this can be said about any other
field of modern science – I suppose the word “modern” ought to be jettisoned
along with its non-thinking bits. Conclusion: No new thinking has taken place since
before World War I!
And herein lies my
point – we’re flying on fumes! Nothing new has emerged in Science since the
dawn of the 20th Century – not a single innovation! Yet all
Corporations talk about is “innovation” (yeah, it’s just marketing shill), but
the corpse is still as cold as it was yesterday, and the year before, and the century
before that... No new knowledge, no new theories, zilch, nada... To be
gracious, not “one step forward” in over a hundred years is not the sign of
life one would expect to perceive in anything living... Seriously folks, we’ve
got a real stiff on our hands.
Despite these
unprecedented “announcement” of “historic scientific work” being done this
month, the assessment is not good. Discoveries, new proofs, and advancement in
real scientific research are not just scant, but non-existent. No new ground is
being broken. Frankly, if this is all the “pure science” we’re doing as an
“advanced” civilization – and it is – then science has no future even if it
weren’t dead. Although a hundred years late in coming, one is still bound to
state the obvious: Science, as such, is indeed as dead as a doornail...
Science Was A
“One-trick Pony”
Let’s agree on a
definition, otherwise, we won’t know what the heck we’re talking about. Science
is: “Systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through
observation and experimentation.”
Under that rubric,
and being as kind and naïve as possible, the announcement from LIGO is only the
first half of the deal – only the ‘kit’ of the ‘caboodle.’ Observation is
essential to the “scientific method,” naturally, as is Experimentation. But
both Observation and Experimentation are at their lowest levels in centuries!
If you were to use a rough measure, such as the amounts of money funding scientific
research (pure science) in areas unrelated to the MIC and war-making (this
includes Information Technology and all its subordinate industries), and
compare that to research aimed at education and well-being (just to use a
coarse value), the amount going into scientific research on the latter is not
only negligible – it’s risible!
The question asks
itself: How much “systematic knowledge of the material world” is sufficient
knowledge? How much “wiser” will we become if we were to gain more “systematic
knowledge of the material world” than what we already possess? Isn’t something
systemic and dogmatic already dead? How much more “death” will make us a scintilla
We already know
all there is to know about the material world – down to the “string” level. In
quantum physics we’re already scratched a tear through the “fabric” of pure
Maya. Don’t we know everything that can be known through our crude instruments
about sub-atomic particles (quarks, etc.)? The fact is, we know “too much”
already, otherwise we couldn’t “use” this so-called knowledge to the nefarious
ends to which they are actually put (i.e., turning everything into yet another weapons
The ‘Day After’
Of The Gods
Why has no one yet
taken notice that the “corpus scientificum” is way past rigor mortis?
They say that everything
that dies lives again... or to paraphrase that saying of ancient wisdom: “from
death new life comes.” Maybe from science’s passing something better will
come... Naahh... that’ll never happen.
So what can be
said about “materialistic science”? Especially today? It’s “magic” has run out
and the smoke-and-mirrors trick is getting tedious indeed! Maybe it’s not the
fault of science per se, but rather the fault of our own mentality (or greed,
to put it more bluntly).
In our time,
Science was driven by a certain mentality. A closed one – a dead one. Dead,
materialistic thinking can’t produce anything new. What’s living can’t emerge
from a corpse, unless you believe in Bugonia – the spontaneous generation of
bees from the carcass of an ox or cow. I know we live in the most superstitious
times in the History of humanity, but having faith in Bugonia is pushing it a little
It’s simply not
possible for modern thinking to understand much of anything that’s not purely
materialistic. Our thinking lacks imagination, it has no nuance to speak of. Science
is driven according to a mentality that has become so vain and self-glorious that
it’s downright infantile. To begin with, anything that’s not visible doesn’t
exist, and if anything is incomprehensible then it’s damnable. If things that
cannot be explained by the academic mind don’t exist, we live in a very poor
world indeed!
“There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” -William Shakespeare- “Hamlet” (1.5.167-8)
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” -William Shakespeare- “Hamlet” (1.5.167-8)
Whatever happened
to “scientific” imagination and curiosity? It must have died with the rest of
the corpse, I suppose. In a way, the “scientific method” has been turned on its
head – to become a means of denying rather than affirming. For every affirmation,
such as LIGO’s gravitational waves “proof,” there are millions of “denials” of
every sort.
Likewise, the
simple fact that scientific endeavors such as LIGO’s to determine the
“fabric of the universe” is news, ought to tell us a lot. It tells us, unconditionally,
that such work is extremely rare – so rare that it merits coverage in all major
mainstream media (in the back pages, of course!).
People must not be
disturbed by thinking, or rational thought. People must not question Authority.
People should not be distracted from their entertainment and their vain desire
to live like “celebrities” allegedly live. Just keep your nose to that little
hand-held device and pay no mind to what’s going on around you. We control the
vertical, we control the horizontal, and you just never mind about any of it.
An alarm should be
ringing somewhere, except that there is no “there-there” to speak of...
May I be the first
to sign Science’s death certificate? Others may have been tolling the death
knell already, but by now there is no doubt about it. And judging from what
little Science has to report to our daily life – anything of the mildest
practical benefit – why even bother? (Not to say that all knowledge has to be
“useful” or “utilitarian” – there should be some knowledge for knowledge’s
sake, just as there should be some art for art’s sake).
Alas, Science’s
brief reign of terror was more toxic and far more deadly than the Old Testament
God (Yahweh or Jehovah, et al), piling up dead bodies at an astounding rate
(soon to overcome the rate of reproduction itself!). Yet few, if any, have
stopped worshiping at the altar of modern science, and its obvious successor,
namely, Money.