It baffles me when apparently
“intelligent” people, folks who claim to be educated, and so forth, tell me
that we are living in the highest expression of “civilization.” That we’re at
the peak of greatness – far surpassing any cultural or civilizational
achievements of past epochs. When they tell me such glowing things, especially in the West, my eyes start to glaze over... then I know their egos are at full throttle -- they're proud of something they did not achieve. It's their “badge of honor” to be living at the zenith of materialistic culture, and they have no qualms in taking credit for it.
The usual spiel goes like this: We in the West are the most advanced people on Earth. We have created the most wealth in History, we live longer than anyone ever before. We have the most gadgets and toys, and we enjoy the greatest creature comforts with the least amount of effort, etc., etc.
The last bit is, of course, both revealing and true at the same time. But when I ask them to provide some evidence, some proof of this overwhelming superiority we possess vis-a-vis our ancestors, no one wants to take into account the downside...The usual spiel goes like this: We in the West are the most advanced people on Earth. We have created the most wealth in History, we live longer than anyone ever before. We have the most gadgets and toys, and we enjoy the greatest creature comforts with the least amount of effort, etc., etc.
We also have more and longer wars than our ancestors. We also kill and starve children as a necessity (to maintain our superiority, I assume), famines and environmental destruction is now worldwide and not local, refugees and immigrant displacement has never been greater. Neither has racism, violence, cancer and illnesses been so rampant. Never has culture, art, and sicence been so devoid of spirit or originality. Who is painting a 'Mona Lisa' today? And, when the obvious physical and intellectual weakness of the modern herd-animal is laid bare in the light of day, there is little to recommend our exceptional "superiority." To all this they have nothing to say...
When I ask them to define what they mean
by “civilization,” I invariably get something like this (although not always
this succinctly): “the behavior and beliefs that characterize a society.”
But of course, when I tell them that sounds suspiciously like the definition of “culture,” and not “civilization,” then I do get slightly better revisions to the definition, although not particularly good ones... Because then, people react to the word Civilization (with a capital ‘C’) and they throw everything into the definition, such as... “A society reaching an advanced state in the arts, science, industry, and government has been reached.”
But of course, when I tell them that sounds suspiciously like the definition of “culture,” and not “civilization,” then I do get slightly better revisions to the definition, although not particularly good ones... Because then, people react to the word Civilization (with a capital ‘C’) and they throw everything into the definition, such as... “A society reaching an advanced state in the arts, science, industry, and government has been reached.”
Advanced in compared to what? Isn't that a barely a glossed over value judgment? So much for a priori judgments... The key word seems to be “advanced state” or
something of that ilk. The value judgment that “advanced” is better somehow than what has gone before, and therefore the general illusion of “progress”
seems to be the hallmark of Civilization.
Is this satisfactory? It’s probably too close
to the textbook definition, and it barely rates as a small snack... We’re not
looking for a dictionary entry to answer the question. The problem with
confusing “culture” with Civilization is neither new nor unusual, but it’s
Naturally, I don’t get as much of this as
I used to... but, I still do, especially from old friends, who should know
better, since they lived through parts of the last millennium, which was a time
when one could close one’s eyes to the obvious – we were mildly distracted then
by the West’s technological superiority vis-à-vis the rest of the world (that
certainly isn’t the case today). I supposed the lack of enthusiasm has its root
– things just aren’t as peachy-keen as the purveyors of propaganda would have
us believe. Things simply aren’t as “glowing” as they were but a few years
back... even for folks who lived in relative wealth and comfort (all the Karma
does end up coming around, doesn’t it?).
Still, even philosophically,
existentially, abstractly, they claim that we’re the “Top of the Pops,” although
with less enthusiasm than formerly. Well, I beg to differ... The fact that now
every two-year-old owns a Smartphone to stare at in their play pens, doesn’t rightly smack me of “cultural superiority,” “class
exceptionalism,” or “human advancement” as far as culture or Civilization are concerned. Rather the opposite comes to mind... in other words, decadence
or decay, and inevitable decline.
From Roots to Flowers
Hate to bring in “reality” into the
picture – most people are offended when I do that.
But let us look at an example from the
real world – the world of plants – to get an idea of where we stand in
civilizational terms. I’m going to go against my better instincts and agree
wholeheartedly with my friends’ opinion about our place in the “evolution” of
Let’s assume the we – the West – since we
can’t have the least consideration for other “inferior” Civilizations like the
Hindu, Persian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Incan, Mexican, Polynesian, et al... anything
that predates us is toast! (Or so does our current herd-animal believe).
The West is then the “flower” of
Civilization, and arguably the flower is the sum of all the plant has achieved
in its “evolution,” or better said, its existence. The flower radiates out its
color into the world to delight and cajole (kind of like Hollywood does for the
current “world-order”).
But what went into this flower in order
that it my dazzle us with its fragrance, color, and one would dare say, luminosity?
What attracts the bees and the butterflies that it can then “go on giving”
pleasure and delight in the future (through pollination, although that’s not
what happens in the flower in actual reality, but let’s just assume that it
does for the purposes of our example, or metaphor, if you will).
When the flower droops or is gone,
usually, the leaves and stems continue, for a time, but the last to go – what we
don’t see underground – is the root. The root is still alive, long after the
rest of the plant has withered away. In fact, a capable gardener can revive a
plant from the root alone, not just from a sprig, or graft.
Too bad this can’t be done with a
So, I tell my friends that if you’re not a
good gardener, you can forget your vaunted Western Civilization... it’s had its
flowering, it’s now ready for the compost heap. The people who were supposed to
be watering, trimming, and singing, failed to do so... they got lazy. They left
it all to the Government and the Bankers to do for them... It turned out that
the crooks weren’t gardeners at all – they just plucked the flowers out and
left everyone else with a dried-out stem, no leaves, and a rotten root!
The stewards we left behind in the garden
so we could go stroke our egos, sprawled on the sofa, looking at ourselves in
the little screens, admiring our “beauty” and “intelligence,” weren’t very good
gardeners, were they? Why does this sound like a parable to me?
Yep, we fell asleep and we got ripped off... it ought to be a
lesson... but... we can’t pry ourselves from the little hand-held mirrors long
enough to hit the toilet... Best not think at all – if one can get away with
it... sleep right through the mess...
Civilization Lost...
What is Civilization? At this point, to
ask such may be tantamount to closing the barn door after the cow’s gone... Our
prejudice of the past tells us that if you look at it historically, it wasn’t
much of a “paradise”. I’m not so sure... It certainly had less wars, less
starvation, less of the things that brought our little flower to wither and
decay... But we can’t remedy the past, we can only get to work on what’s left
of the garden... Sadly, there’s not much of that either.
What is Civilization? One can ask this
today, almost in the same way that one may ask what a dinosaur is... I mean, was. Are we even living in a
Civilization? Or is that just a nice, polysyllabic word to banter about to
sound more “erudite,” more “cultured”? Don’t be too quick to jump to
conclusions... just because the Greeks started something, it doesn’t mean that
it’s not “all over now baby-blue”...
Is Civilization the finale of a Culture,
as Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) postulated? Spengler was the author of “The Decline of the West,” possibly one
of the most revolutionary works of the early 20th Century (written
before WW I, and published immediately afterward). Not surprisingly, at the
beginning of the last millennium (the last time human beings could actually
think), there were quite a few ground-breaking works, including Einstein’s
Special Theory of Relativity, etc.
Modern herd-animals seem to hate Spengler
(that includes most of Western “academia,” or what’s left of its desiccated
petals). Is it because he’s odious? In other words, some Nazi knuckleheads read
him, so now his thoughts are somehow “evil”? Or, is it because he says things
that are uncomfortable for the decadent herd-animals of today to hear?
Frankly, I think it's because he looks like "Dr. Evil," and all that's missing is "mini-me"...
Frankly, I think it's because he looks like "Dr. Evil," and all that's missing is "mini-me"...
To give you an idea of how prescient the “The Decline of the West” was, here are a
couple of quotes from it, that ought to make one stand up, go for a long, long
walk... and, keep following the little furry lemmings...
money, democracy becomes its own destroyer, after money has destroyed
intellect.” -Oswald Spengler-
Welcome to 2017! Welcome to the Ponzi
scheme par excellence... the craven, new world of Zuckerberg-media (ought to be
properly labeled as “sucker media”), wherein so-called “presidents” and
“leaders of the free-for-all” sit with their excessively overwrought asses on
the red-button, insulting other nuclear-armed leaders through Twitter.
We are so “advanced” that it is also the
preferred “tool” for developing and implementing of national and international
policy... Any “idea” that requires more than 140 characters to express is no longer
considered, much less though out; i.e., any actual idea... What idea could
possibly be developed and explained in 140 characters? It’s even hard to insult
someone properly with a barrage of four-letter words with that limitation. I
find it constricting as hell. Only a constipated, anal-retentive culture-society
could possible flourish with Tweeter as its “commons.”
In the meantime, what are the rest of the
folks doing while this is going on? Sleeping through the whole damn
no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable
of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to think,
and this they consider freedom.” -Oswald Spengler-
Normally, I’m not much for quoting
quotes... but since we’re doing “quotes” today, might as well nail it with
another eminent philosopher’s point of view on the subject of “thinking” – someone
of a whole different stripe than Spengler so that there should be less
squealing from the gallery... Usually, as things get closer to universal truths,
they lose their identifying stripes (their convenient labels) all together.
is not a gift to man but a laborious, precarious and volatile acquisition.” -José
Ortega y Gasset- (1883-1955) Spanish philosopher.
Since the middle of the 20th
Century, “thinking” (by which I mean “critical thinking,” as it was then
called, or “free thinking,” as it was labeled in the 17th - 19th
Century) is no longer practiced. It has become “passé,” something for nerds to
do (although they – the “nerds” – are incapable of it also). Scientists are the
least capable of thinking... Again, “critical thinking,” is not counting,
adding, multiplying, or fooling around with abstract mathematical formulas...
these are not “active” living thoughts going to the brain.
As most of you know, the Ancient Egyptians
called thinking, “wisdom-of-the-heart” or “knowledge-of-the-heart,” since what
actually does the “work” of thought is not the brain but rather the heart
organ. When a thought reaches up to the head; i.e., gets through the entire
body, from the ground up – then we can start talking about something related to
Naturally, this mystery of thinking, and
how thoughts originate from our surroundings, from the Cosmos itself (from the
living planet we stand on, etc.), is not something anyone has the least inkling
about. Of course, I include myself among the lot of blockheads that can’t think
properly, and who is completely ignorant on how the process actually works. The
“how” of things is way harder than the “what” of things.
Yet, what is obvious even to a dunderhead
like me is that thinking is NOT going on either at an individual or at a
species level on this planet... And, I would welcome anyone to prove
otherwise... (now, THAT would be a ray of hope, or would that just be more “fool’s
Thinking Is ‘Verboten’!
The folks that make me laugh the most are
those who debate IQ numbers, and then apply them to “races”. As if IQ factoring
were some kind of “empirical” proof of something, like intelligence... I
realize that human beings are incapable of thought, and can therefore only
“count,” so the claim is that if the subject of the IQ test can “compare” and
“contrast” then they are more “advanced”. Well, comparing and contrasting are
really only more counting. It’s a counting without numbers, but in the end, one
adds or subtracts what one “likes” or “dislikes” from the whole (or whatever
one is asked to compare and contrast on the test itself). But chimpanzees can
do that too... yet, they can’t think either. Talk about nutty. It’s the “Sesame
Street” approach to “thinking”.
Frankly, IQ tests deal only in
abstractions, and speaking of which, so is the concept of “race” – a total
abstraction. The difference in DNA between humans and chimpanzees (hate to pick
on the poor criters) is less than 2%. There are hardly any marginal differences
between humans of different origin (geographical locations) on this planet. Yet,
that’s what all the hate is about...
who talk too much about race no longer have it in them.”
But the fact that there is no such thing
as race falls on deaf ears in this age of non-thinking, and sleep walking
through History. Even by the abstract bent of modern science, no one has found
yet a “race” gene. Yet, skin color does bother some people... and this “dislike,”
is what all the hate is about. Wonder what chimpanzees have to say about that...
(“Thank God we got off that lousy branch of the evolution tree!” Or words to
that effect are often heard calling from the trees)
Now, the application of “feeling” to
thinking in humans could elevate the form to that of actual thought (by
bringing the heart into the process of lifting this heavy stuff upwards toward
the brain). But humans no longer have the stamina for the heavy lifting
involved. At one time, in the time of the Black People, they could lift two-ton
blocks every two minutes, but today, we’re considerably weaker and more feeble
creatures (the result of centuries of decadence, both physical and
It is still possible to think? In our
couch-potato culture it seems unlikely... Is thinking akin to a muscle in our
bodies? If it is, then through sheer lack of use, it has become atrophied. As
Ortega y Gasset said, a gift has been given us, but it was too “labor intensive,”
and we just got tuckered out. We have chosen the sofa instead... Though the
ability to think may be innate in our species, it’s not exactly a given, it
must be worked at (will-to-power has something to do with it, I'm sure).
Here is another Oswald Spengler “pearl” of
wisdom, demonstrating what our level of “thinking” amounts to, and thus revealing
the decline and “end” of a Culture (culture form or group) and therefore, a
the ordinary thought of a highly-cultivated people begins to regard 'having
children' as a question of pro's and con's, the great turning point has come.
If one assumes history morphologically, as
Spengler did, Civilizations must have a “life-cycle,” and, we know when and
where a life-cycle is over...
Every Culture had its Civilization,
according the late German historian. Civilization seems to be the obvious
destiny of a Culture. “Civilizations are the most external and artificial
states of which a species of developed humanity is capable,” Spengler wrote in
his famous “The Decline of the West”.
It even makes sense.
This is not to say that one agrees with
everything he says (although from a materialist’s point of view he covers all
the angles). We do have our own little “likes” and “dislikes,” don’t we? But, we live
in that ersatz "Tweetie" world where virtual reality is the only reality... We do
cling to our a priori judgments and
prejudices, what we’d rather believe than look at what is really there...
At the very least, Oswald Spengler was far
more stimulating in his thinking than most other historians, even the venerable
Arnold J. Toynbee, who practically stole Spengler’s idea of the morphology of
civilizations. But alas, modern historians are just propagandists, with very
few exceptions (e.g., the late Howard Zinn), since most prefer to simply
lacquer over the “convenient fable” and regurgitate it as History. That’s the
way it’s studied and disseminated in our society today (through universities
and the media), like a feel-good ad on TV.
Perhaps I’ll take up this matter in coming
posts, since it’s full of portent (like a good novel) and given our current
malaise, it seems only fitting to determine if we are at the “finale” of our
Civilization, or as my friends wish to believe, at the very “apex” of it. In
the meantime, one last jab... a left-cross to the chin.
we live so cowed under the bombardment of this intellectual artillery (the
media) that hardly anyone can attain to the inward detachment that is required
for a clear view of the monstrous drama. The will-to-power operating under a
pure democratic disguise has finished off its masterpiece so well that the
object's sense of freedom is actually flattered by the most thorough-going
enslavement that has ever existed.” -Oswald Spengler-
Inward detachment is certainly necessary –
the first step toward clear thinking. But who has the stamina for that today?
Who is going to do Yoga in order to start to think? Why bother? When it’s so
much comfier and cozy to cuddle up with that “Smartphone” or other hand-held device
on that big couch... and let it suck all the brains out of ya’... Ahh! I can
hear the collective sigh of relief (“Now, I can stop thinking and get
comfortably numb!”)
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